Wednesday, November 02, 2005

More Penguins

Beware the annihilating charming penguin...

Status report

Word count at start of yesterday:

Word count at start of today:

Net words written yesterday:

Plan for today:

Today is a non-word counting day, as I have to go into uni to deliver the now completed essay 1 of 4

I then will be getting books for essay 2, and writing an essay plan.

The essay I just completed was a thought dumping essay, I sacrificed marks, in order to just get it out of the way, painful as it was to do so. The mark on the next one is more important, I actually have to pay careful consideration to what I'm saying.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The grand writing blitz

This is shaping up to be the worst end of semester timetable I have ever encountered. I guess the end of my basic undergrad degree is shaping to go off in a blaze of overwork. In the space of two and a half weeks I am putting together six pieces of writing, worth a total of 8800 words. So far I am two pieces down (2300 words), with 11 days and 6500 words of final essays to go. This is shaping up to be my first semester ever without handing a piece in late, and I'm hoping to keep up my good work.

So what does one do in this situation?

Well, I seem to be blogging about it.

Taking yesterday as the first of the two week crunch, I accomplished :
300 words on my thesis proposal for next year (submitted)
368 words on the essay 1 of 4 (remaining)
for a total of
668 words

I was hoping for an average of 1000 words a day, so today's goal will be:
finish this 1500 word essay, putting my attempt at:
1132 words.