Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Prepare to be poked...

As with the post that got me restarted with this blog this year, Josh has read my mind. I will probably join the dark side soon.

That said, I'm hanging out for something very similar - but with a knitting theme.

* You signed up on August 23, 2007
* You are #27950 on the list.
* 5982 people are ahead of you in line.
* 10811 people are behind you in line.
* 56% of the list has been invited so far


Blogger Unknown said...

There are social networks for knitters? That's actually pretty awesome.

(Threadjack but related: would I be right in assuming you saw this when it was on Boing Boing?)

12:20 am  
Blogger Rhea said...

Muahaha... I already got my invite! :)
Very much worth the wait (even more so in your case, as you probably have more to share on there...

8:13 am  
Blogger Rhea said...

Oh, and... you should join the dark side! I have more very bad photos... ;) And Ingrid is there now too.

8:15 am  
Blogger Si said...

"The site is blocked. It has been classified in the category/ies Dating/Social"

WHY god WHY!?

Oh yeah, I remember now. It's the Great Firewall of St. Leonards...

9:12 am  
Blogger Eleanor said...

Josh: ravelry is damn cool. I actually happened to see the scarf at Craftster (the source *lol*, it sounds like social networking too, doesn't it?).

Rhea, you early adopter you. I'm actually far more interested in seeing other projects than sharing my own - I guess I'm selfish like that.

11:05 am  

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